
You can download the sources of the version v1r10p20011126 of CMT or prebuilt binaries for some plateforms :

OSF1 (OSF1 V4.0 878 alpha - cxx)
Linux (Linux 2.2.13 i686 - g++)
HP-UX (HP-UX B.10.20 A 9000/735 - aCC)
Sun (SunOS papou1 5.7 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4)
VisualC (NT4.0 - Visual C++)
LynxOS-PowerPC (LynxOS 2.5.1 PowerPC - g++)

The C++ version of the CVS plugin for CMT

The original version of the CVS plugin for CMT is implemented in shell script. However, in some cases, the performance issues impose to use a compiled version instead. This is particularly appropriate when the repository is accessed through any CVS server mechanism, sinc in this case, the only one machine accesses the repository.

Here you can download the sources of this C++ implementation. This is a CMT package that must be built and installed as follows:

(1)  retreiving the plugin sources 

> [ fetch the tar file ]
> uncompress cmtcvsv1.tar.Z
> tar xvf cmtcvsv1.tar

(2)  building the pluggin 

> cd cmtcvs/v1/cmt
> cmt config
> source setup.[c]sh
> gmake

(3)  installing the pluggin into CVS 

> mkdir cmtcvsinfos
> cd cmtcvsinfos
> cvs import -m "Installing the CVS pluggin" .cmtcvsinfos CMT v1
> cd ../
> rmdir cmtcvsinfos
> cvs co CVSROOT 
> vi loginfo
.cmtcvsinfos (<absolute location of the pluggin>/cmtcvs.exe %s)

   example at CERN:

.cmtcvsinfos (/afs/ %s)

> cvs commit -m "Installing the CVS pluggin for CMT"
> cd ../
> cvs release -d CVSROOT


The changes for this version

Files involved Action Category
src/cmt_parser.cxx (parse_arguments) fix problems in multiple tag management.
converge in the question of HOME requirements file to support
  • no default
  • define the path to the HOME requirements file in ${CMTHOME}

converge in the arguments for manipulating the extra tags
  • -tag=
  • -tag_add=
  • -tag_remove=
src/constituents.make (makefilesclean) Make all action lists run in one single shell (ie. use ;\ everywhere)
Make an explicit target for build_library_links
Make it called before any group
src/cmt_awk.h (class Awk) add a state variable (m_continuation_allowed) which when true, take into account the trailing backslashes, so as to first accumulate continued lines into one. Add the allow_continuation method to base Awk class Bug fix
src/cmt_cvs.cxx (class CvsImplementation) Bug in checkout_from_requirements. Did not accept leading spaces on use statements Bug fix
src/constituents.make (build_library_links) Define macros for build_library_links and remove_library_links Improvement
fragments/make_setup (config) Add build_library_links target Improvement
src/cmt_parser.cxx (set_standard_macros) Fix bad production of use_includes when private is used. Bug fix
src/cmt_parser.cxx (do_broadcast) Fix -begin= error Bug fix

Last modified: Tue Nov 13 16:50:34 CET 2001