CMT-2002 welcome

The goal of this 2-day workshop is on the one hand to gather experiences on CMT from the now growing up CMT community, exchanging ideas, confronting views, patterns and scenarios from existing projects and on the other hand to discuss the next possible iterations, considering the expected or desired future features, the requests from users, and the possible priorities to those evolutions.

The expected audience mainly concerns experienced CMT users but also software managers wishing to understand what introducing CMT in their project management schemes means.

The style of this workshop will allocate the largest room for discussions but we expect reports from various experiences, mainly on work models (from small to large projects), user interface aspects (GUI, style, command line, etc...) , etc...

Remote access

The workshop can be continuously followed remotely through VRVS using the Neptune conference room. In addition a permanent telephone conference is opened from CERN. You just have to call and ask for "CMT workshop" (which is a prefered way of getting audio rather than from VRVS)


Thursday evening we'll have a dinner in the famous Café Procope in Paris. You will find a nice presentation in its web page as well as possible carte and menu.

We'll go there via RER from Orsay to Paris. Rendez-vous is at 8h30 pm in the Café Procope (13 rue de l'ancienne Comédie 6ème arrondissement, métro Odéon)

see the map

This workshop will take place in France at LAL Orsay from Thursday 28th of February to Friday 1st of March 2002.

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